App-Icon fixed in Windows 10/11 Light-Theme.
(If it doesn’t update automatically, try to remove and add it again to the Taskbar)
App-Icon fixed in Windows 10/11 Light-Theme.
(If it doesn’t update automatically, try to remove and add it again to the Taskbar)
Feedback option removed (because it was depreciated by Microsoft).
E-Mail & Website in “About” is shown now (and not hidden behind a link).
Updated E-Mail, Website & changelog addresses.
Background-Image was not shown.
YouTube removed the API to show the public dislike count… so I replaced it with the views a video gets compared to the average video views (channel views divided by uploads).
And since the bar can’t show the like/dislike ratio anymore, there also is a visualization of the average video views.
Public release to the Windows Store.